Monday, 7 March 2011

Timer Module stuff...

Another weekend away, and I've not managed to get very far onwards. I've read a number of data sheet entries and sample programs in my time away.  Little things like finding out that numbers starting with a full stop (e.g. ".123") are decimal values.  Binary values can be displayed as b'11110000'.

Also there seem to be a number of commands which exist within the MASM compiler to make coding easier.  For example it is possible to use the command "variable xyz" to make a variable instead of having to assign bytes to variables in the data section...

I did even try a bit of code in the DisplaySegments procedure:

 variable TEST_VAR
 andlw 0x0F
 goto $ + (4 * TEST_VAR)

Unfortunately this didn't work, I still wonder if it is possible, since "goto $ + 8" does work, it may just be static references which work...